Black and White fractal 1

Black and White fractal 1
by mysticrainbowstock, deviantart

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The feeling you get when you look to the stars in a clear night sky

Luperon, Dominican Republic, Saturday the 11th of February at 10:22 pm.
I looked up tonight. Stars I hadn't seen in years were clear. The feeling I got was, well, hard to explain.
The feeling could be described as a combination of the following things:
Bewilderment, at the expanse of the universe, just how insignificant my life really is, and the amount of stuff that exists outside of our my narrow worldview.
Shame, that for a great percentage of my life I miss out on the splendor of the sky I look at now.
Disbelief that so much exists outside my daily life on a regular basis that I just can't pay attention to.
Wonder. And lots of wonder.
There is no word yet in the English language to describe this particular combination of feelings. Maybe there shouldn't be. Some things are better left to mystery, undefinable and mysterious.
Like the stars, and what I'm feeling right now.

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